I have killed two gym leaders so far. Whether it was directly or indirectly, I still had a hand in it. I walk soaked to the Pokémon Hospital and while they heal my team I go to the nearby market and purchase some drier clothes and supplies for the trip towards Vermilion City and the S. S, Anne.
Two leaders down and six to go. Is every gym going to be like this? Why do they have to die? It must be their punishment for losing to me. There can't be another reason. if there is, I certainly haven't seen it yet.
On my way back, I notice the man in black watching me. He doesn't run or make any movements and maintains his eye contact on me. I decide enough is enough and I walk right up to him.
Face to face. I ask him what his name is..
He knows something.
"Why do you keep following me around? What is it about me that draws you to me?" He regains his composure and says "I thought we already introduced ourselves. My name is Blaine."
"Blaine, why are you so dressed up?" I ask. Blaine was wearing all black with a red 'R' on his shirt. He had put on quite the disguise. It was good enough to fool me, even up close.
"I had to make sure you would be able to keep going even when it got tough. I noticed you lost a few comrades on the way my boy. I am sorry to hear about that. What I can do for you is give you this." He takes out a piece of paper and hands it to me. "One free bike" who makes coupons like this?!
"Just thought it could help you get around. I don't need it, I have my Pokémon to help me get around." "Well thanks Blaine I-" "Don't say thanks, just get the job done. Do what Bill told you and beat this game. Your next challenge is the S.S. Anne?" I nod. "Then get to it my boy. You won't see me for a while but that's OK. I will be out there and we will meet again."
As I begin to walk away and he grabs my arm and says "One word of warning though, keep an eye out for people who wear these clothes. They are dangerous terrorists and should be stopped." "OK Blaine. I will."
Walking back to the Pokémon Hospital I wonder why Blaine is so attached to me and why he feels he needs me to succeed. I hope I don't let him down. I collect my Pokémon and Tsunami and the gang are sure glad to see me.
We find more trainers and Pokémon along the way. I took a short break when a bird landed right in front of me. I quietly took out Daisy and she put the tiny bird to sleep. I threw a ball at it and caught the little guy.
Flappers would be proud.
After the battle, I decided to name him Excalibird. He grew very quickly after just a few matches and suddenly he began to glow just like the previous two times with Tsunami and Fish-Bulb.

I hope he can fly me around soon.
In addition, Daisy got stronger too. Thanks to the training we had been doing on our way to the next city.
She looks a bit.. odd.
We enter Vermilion City where another gym and another gym leader await.
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