Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Big Reveal

     I stop dead in my tracks. "What do you mean I die? I remember what Bill said when I met him. He said if I quit now another would take my place." Bryan nods and responds, "That's right, but what did you think would happen to you?" "I guess I had never thought about it." "I feel you deserve to be informed of the goings on in this world Oak created. Let me fill you in."

     "The people in this game know that their end may come at anytime. Some like Surge and the trainers you battle along the way are just non-playable characters or NPC's. Others like Erika and the others are, well.. WERE people, just like you. They welcome the idea of the end and hope it comes from someone worthy of helping others."

    "If you fail and these lives have been lost, then you were too weak and the gym leader who beat you begins their journey for survival. You may or may not remember what you were before you woke up in that bed in Pallet Town.. Brock."

     "Oh no. I was.." I sit down before I lose my footing. "I was a gym leader? I was Brock?" Now I understand why Brock wanted to tell me so badly. He knew I was a former gym leader! "Yes, you earned your time here with the defeat of the prior "hero" and you have made it quite far. Four badges by my count. You have done better than most, but ultimately no-one has beaten this game and no-one will."

     I shake my head in disbelief and wonder.. "What do I get if I win?" "You get your life back. Now.. I need you to keep playing. It's very entertaining and I would hate for it to end so.. abruptly."

     "How.. how did I get involved in this? Why am I here?" Bryan looked at me and actually didn't look like he had an answer for this question. "It's been so long that I don't know anymore. With so many people I just can't keep track of who owes this or who did what. Ultimately you have paid your end one way or another."

     "I have to go now, I have other.. matters. Do you still wish to quit Glenn?" I can't help but laugh at the absurdity and answer "No, I must continue." "It's agreed then everyone. The show goes on! I must take my leave now, but do not think we are done. Head to Fuchsia City. You will find Koga. He is your next task."

     Bryan exits the tower as I rest my head against one of the many gravestones of my fallen friends and think about my next move. I let Tsunami out of his ball and ask him a question "I suppose we should head south.. right Tsunami?" He nods and helps lift me up. "Thanks pal, let's head out."

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